Cheer, cheer and courage display,
All you La Sallians join in the lay,
Send a volley of cheers on high,
Shake down the thunder from the sky,
What though the odds be great or small,
Dear old La Salle will win over all,
While her loyal sons are marching,
Onwards to victory.
All you La Sallians join in the lay,
Send a volley of cheers on high,
Shake down the thunder from the sky,
What though the odds be great or small,
Dear old La Salle will win over all,
While her loyal sons are marching,
Onwards to victory.
Rise boys and loudly proclaim,
That you may never sully her name,
Let the hills and woodlands ring,
Lift up your hearts and loudly sing,
What though the way be rough or steep,
We unto virtue's summons will leap,
And if ever our country needs us
Loyal and true we'll be.
That you may never sully her name,
Let the hills and woodlands ring,
Lift up your hearts and loudly sing,
What though the way be rough or steep,
We unto virtue's summons will leap,
And if ever our country needs us
Loyal and true we'll be.
[La Sallian Clap]
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